The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations exist to keep the roads safe and to create guidelines for commercial truck drivers. Despite these and other regulations, however, some trucking companies and drivers violate these rules, leading to accidents. Unfortunately, due to their sheer size, trucks can cause massive damage in a collision.
Brain injuries are just one of the serious, often permanent, injuries that you may sustain as a result of a truck accident. Brain injuries can occur from two reasons. If your body is thrown about violently during a trucking accident, your brain may crash against the inside of your skull. This can cause damage to the brain. Secondly, you may sustain blunt force trauma the head in an accident if your head hits something with enough force. This can cause foreign objects to enter your skull, injuring your brain, or can cause your skull to fracture, causing trauma to the brain.
If you have sustained a brain injury in a trucking accident, you may lose your ability to remember, concentrate, or even move normally. You may need additional assistance for every day tasks, rehabilitation therapy, and expensive brain surgery. You may face long-term or permanent disabilities as a result of your injury.