Articles Posted in Trucking Accident Victims

Unexpected medical expenses are the leading cause of personal bankruptcy across the country, according to some studies. Even motorists who have excellent medical coverage and car insurance often find themselves paying substantial amounts out-of-pocket after a serious car or truck crash in Homestead or their community.


There are a number of reasons why a serious truck or car collision in Homestead or another Florida community could mean serious financial distress:

•Insurance companies are in the business of making money. They want to settle claims inexpensively and fast, and this can mean that victims do not get the compensation they need to pay for their injuries.

•The medical reality of a serious injury is that symptoms may not show up right away. A motorist may walk away from a traffic collision in Homestead or another city feeling fine only to develop symptoms a few hours, days, or even weeks after the accident. Unfortunately, by that time they may have accepted insurance money and signed away their rights or may have a hard time convincing insurers that the injury was due to the accident.

•Many motorists have high deductibles. It’s no secret: insurance premiums are expensive. After an accident, though, having a high deductible can mean struggling to pay that amount.

PIP laws in Homestead and Florida limit how much money you can claim through car insurance. Florida is a no-fault state, and while this means that there may be less dispute initially about who has caused an accident it also means that there are caps on how much a passenger can claim in medical expenses – and those caps do not cover the costs of getting medical care for a catastrophic injury.

•Traffic accident injuries are very expensive – and medical costs are only increasing. Diagnostic imaging can cost thousands of dollars, and hospital stays can end up costing tens of thousands or even more. A spinal cord injury patient in Homestead or Florida can expect to pay $100 000 in the first year of treatment alone, if the injury was serious.

•There are many incidental expenses after a traffic accident. Many insurers undervalue claims, in part because they count immediate and likely costs, such as time lost at work and expected medical expenses. If there is a complication or if an injury ends up being more serious than initially though (which is quite common), the actual amount a patient may need to spend may end up being much larger than the insurance benefits received. In addition, insurers often do not consider the incidental costs related to an injury. The costs of making a home accessible, for example, or the costs of taking taxis to doctors’ appointments can really add up and may not be covered.

Unless a patient has substantial savings, the expenses of a serious injury can be devastating. In some cases, patients may continue to work in some capacity or may try to sell some assets in order to make ends meet.

Due to the costs of a serious injury, it is important to consult with a personal injury attorney in Homestead or your community right away. An attorney can advise you on the likely total costs of your injuries and can aggressively pursue that amount for you.

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Being involved in a serious trucking collision in Homestead or another Florida community can be extremely traumatic and painful. If you were driving a passenger car or motorcycle at the time of the crash, the difference in size between a big rig or tractor trailer and your much smaller vehicle means that you and your passengers may have sustained serious or even life-threatening injuries in the crash.

These types of collisions, be they T-bone, broadside collisions in Homestead, or override accidents, tend to be very serious. They can and often do lead to fractures, whiplash, paralysis, amputation, and other serious injuries.

In the immediate aftermath of the crash, you may be mostly focused on the pain and medical emergency. However, you will quickly realize that traffic collisions in Homestead and across Florida are not just a health concern, but a financial concern as well. If you have sustained serious injuries in a traffic accident, you may face serious financial as well as health challenges as you recover.


Many people who have suffered injuries underestimate the likely total costs of their accident. If you have been seriously injured, you can expect to pay for a variety of expenses, including:

•Emergency medical treatment
•Hospital stays
•Visits to specialists
•Medical imaging and other diagnostic tests
•Medical devices and equipment, such as braces or crutches
•At-home care or assisted living expenses
•Property damage for anything damaged in the car accident
•Lost income
•Future expected medical expenses
•So-called cosmetic treatments, such as skin grafts for scarring
•Future medical replacement costs – such as the cost of replacing prosthetics every few years
•Car repair or car replacement costs
•The cost of car rentals or taxis while you recover
•The costs of making your home or car accessible as you recover
•Follow-up doctor’s visits
•The increased medical expenses over a lifetime if you need help managing a permanent injury
These expenses can very rapidly add up. A spinal cord injury patient in Homestead or Florida, for example, who has suffered a permanent and serious injury can expect to pay more than $100 000 in medical expenses in the first year of treatment alone. This does not include the costs of lost income, property damages, and other losses. A permanent injury can easily end up costing many hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars over a lifetime.

Even something such as a fracture or whiplash that is likely to result in full recovery can end up costing tens of thousands of dollars because you will need to pay for medical tests and doctor’s visits, car repair bills, lost time at work, and a host of incidental expenses.

Many people who have suffered a serious injury assume that their insurance company will pay for it. After all, that is why drivers pay their insurance premiums. Unfortunately, in some cases insurance carriers undervalue claims and patients end up with serious injuries and no way of paying for all their expenses.

Do not risk this situation. If you have been injured, contact a personal injury attorney in Homestead or your community to find out whether you have a legal claim or other options for compensation.

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Being in a car accident or truck accident in Homestead or another community can change virtually every area of your life. While personal injury attorneys in Homestead and across Florida tend to focus on the tangible damages – including the injuries, medical costs, and property damage – that can incur in collisions, the reality is that any trucking accident can be extremely traumatic. If you have lost a loved one or have suffered a permanent injury, especially, it is normal to feel grief, rage, and even extreme upset after your collision. Even a serious injury from which you expect to make a full recovery can leave you traumatized and upset.


Not much is said about the grief, trauma, and emotional upheaval that occurs after traffic accidents and truck accidents. However, these types of accidents can cause or contribute to severe problems, including:

•Sleep disorders
•Posttraumatic stress disorder (ptsd)
•Relationship problems
•Mood swings
•Eating disorders
•Substance abuse
•Difficulty concentrating or remembering things
While most of us who have been in a serious accident are rushed to the emergency room or at least get some medical help, all too often the emotional impact of a traffic accident is ignored. This can be a real concern, as the trauma of a serious accident can be debilitating and does require medical treatment.

If you have been in a serious truck accident, there are several things you will want to do to take care of your emotional state:

•Practice good self-care. Follow your doctor’s directions about medication and treatment to the letter. In addition, make sure that you get adequate sleep, rest, good food, and gentle exercise if you can. Give yourself time to heal from the injuries and do not rush to get back to work or back to your daily routine if you’re not up to it. You need to be gentle with yourself.

•Stay alert for symptoms. If you have a broken bone, it can be easy to see the problem. If you simply feel upset or not quite yourself after a serious truck accident, it can be more difficult to tell what the matter is. Consider keeping a journal in order to keep track of any symptoms, such as difficulty sleeping, changes in appetite, and other issues. If you notice any issues, seek a doctor’s help right away.

•Get quality medical attention. If you have been permanently or seriously injured, getting supportive quality medical care that increases your chances of recovering properly from your injuries can be a big help. It can help you feel more positive about your future.

•Seek the help of a support group or support network. There are many support groups out there for victims of car accidents and truck accidents, people who have lost a loved one, and those who have suffered from a serious injury. Seek the support groups out if you need help. They can be a great place to learn more about dealing with an injury or loss and they can help provide you with the emotional support you need as you adjust to life after the collision. Friends and family can also be an important support network when you need to speak with someone.

•Speak with a personal injury attorney in Homestead or your community. A personal injury attorney can help you find out whether you have options for compensation, which can help you pay for therapy, counseling, and other forms of care that can help you recover fully from your accident.

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Being in a truck accident in Hollywood or anywhere in Florida is a deeply traumatic experience and if you have been seriously injured you will need an entire team of support in order to heal physically and emotionally. It can take months or even a lifetime to heal, especially if you are permanently injured and will need to get used to new levels of ability. Luckily, there are many resources that can help:

1) Your doctor. If you are seriously injured in a truck or car accident in Hollywood or another community, you will likely be rushed to a hospital. Even if you are fortunate enough to walk away from the crash, however, it is important to consult with your doctor as soon as possible after the collision. Some injuries, including soft tissue injuries and brain injuries, may not seem to present symptoms right away but can still be very serious. When speaking with your physician, be sure to discuss any symptoms or emotional upheaval you may be experiencing. Your doctor can help you find specialists and even support groups in your area to help you deal with the aftermath of a serious traffic collision.


2) Your insurance company. Your insurance company can help you find a rental car, can help you file a claim, and can help you financially after an accident. You will want to report your truck collision to your insurer promptly.

3) Law enforcement. If you suspect that the other driver was doing something illegal or if the crash was serious, you will want to contact law enforcement. They may be able to tell you about local advocacy groups and resources and can also help you with pursuing criminal charges.

4) A personal injury attorney. Before accepting any insurance money or making any important decisions in your case, you will want to consult with a personal injury attorney in Hollywood or your community. A good attorney can review your case and can give you legal advice, so that you can evaluate compensation offers. A good lawyer can also help you find local experts, car repair shops, and other resources that can help as you heal.

5) Advocacy and support groups.
Support groups and advocacy groups are excellent resources for the long-term process of healing. They can provide advocacy, counseling, and other important services. CRASH Foundation (Citizens for Reliable And Safe Highway), for example, is a support group that can help you find experts and medical services. They also provide advocacy, phone support, information, counseling, a support network, and other resources. You can reach them via their website ( Another good organization is the Trauma Support Network. This group provides educational and support services for all trauma survivors – including those who have suffered loss or severe injury in a collision. This group offers online support forums, in-person support groups, and other services. You can reach them via phone (1-800-556-7890) or website (

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Traffic accidents in Hollywood cause terrible pain and suffering for those who sustain serious head injuries, spinal cord trauma, whiplash, and other serious injuries. However, researchers also note that serious car and truck accidents also have a profound impact on the families of those who are injured. In fact, according to a new book, After The Crash: Assessment and Treatment of Motor Vehicle Accident Survivors, 10-45% percent of people who are injured in the country’s some three million car accidents suffer from Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In fact, the study’s authors, doctors Edward B. Blanchard and Edward J. Hickling, say that traffic collisions are the leading cause of PTSD in the non-military population.

What many people don’t acknowledge is that the impact of a serious car or truck accident in Hollywood or another city doesn’t impact just the injured party. If someone suffers from PTSD or a permanent injury such as a head injury or spinal cord trauma, it is likely that the patient’s entire family may suffer as well – and currently experts say that there is not enough support and not enough resources in place for family members who suffer in this way.


After a serious car or truck collision, someone who is seriously injured may not be able to return to work and may require years or even a lifetime of medical treatment. For the family of such a patient, the medical treatments and loss of a job can also prove a big challenge. For example, a family where an income earner has been seriously injured in a crash may face financial challenges. Members of the family who have never had to work may need to get involved in order to help replace lost income and pay for medical care.

Someone who is injured may also come to rely on their family more after being seriously injured. An amputation patient in Hollywood, for example, may rely on family and friends to get to and from medical appointments and may even rely on them for everyday tasks such as grooming or getting around. Emotional support may also be needed.

Some brain injury patients in Hollywood and other cities experience symptoms such as mood swings, depression, personality changes, loss of memory, and other symptoms which can affect family members as well. Family and friends may often want to help but may not know how or may feel guilty about being unhurt or even wanting time away from the injured family member. In some cases, families can have a hard time cooperating because of the turmoil of serious injuries or may not know how to function with a seriously injured person. Studies have shown that seriously injured patients may also withdraw from loved ones or can even become dependent on alcohol or medication to cope with the pain and loss after a serious accident. This, too, can also tear a family about.

What can be done in these situations? Acknowledging that families of patients suffer as well is an important first step. Psychologists also note that family counseling and support systems for family members is also important in helping the entire family deal with the aftermath of an accident. Support for all family members ensures that the patient has a supportive family at home and that family members get the help that they need.

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If you are in a truck accident in Homestead or any community, your chances of being fatally injured are quite high – unless you are the truck driver. While truck drivers are protected by the truck’s cab, passenger car drivers and pedestrians have very little protection against the size and force of a tractor trailer or big rig. Pedestrians are likely to sustain fatal injuries in a collision with a commercial truck and even though passengers in a smaller can may have protection such as seat belts and air bags, a crash with a commercial truck can cause serious head trauma, spinal cord injuries, and fatalities to the passengers in the smaller car.

Could you survive this type of traffic collision in Homestead or your city?


According to safety experts, there are things that you can do to increase the chances that you will survive a truck or car accident in Homestead or any town:

1) Choose the right car and use the safety systems your car is equipped with. Much older cars may have fewer systems designed to protect you. Even though newer cars may have air bags and other features included, keep in mind that smaller cars may be less likely to protect you in a serious accident and some cars have better safety ratings than others. Choose your car carefully and think safety first when buying. When you drive your car, be sure to buckle up and familiarize yourself with safety systems your vehicle offers. Service your car regularly and make sure that your safety systems are checked during routine maintenance.

2) Keep your interior clean. This may seem to have nothing to do with surviving a car crash, but it is crucial. Keeping purses, briefcases, laptops, and other objects in your car while you drive poses a serious risk in the event of a car accident. In a collision, these things can become airborne and can seriously harm you. A laptop can have enough force when airborne in a car accident to cause fatal head injuries. Even a small cell phone can cause lacerations and injury. Store everything in your trunk or glove compartment or at least use seatbelts to tie down dog kennels or cat cages in the car. As a bonus, keeping your interior tidy will decrease distractions, which can also reduce your risk of being in a car accident in the first place.

3) Maintain good driving posture. Leaning against the door or your steering wheel can cause serious injury if you are in an accident, side side-impact airbags or the airbag in your steering wheel can inflate with enough force to cause serious head trauma or facial injury. On a similar note, driving with your hands leaning inside the wheel can cause wrist fractures in a crash. Leaning your hand outside the window when you drive can also cause fractures or can even cause you to lose your arm if you are in an accident. While driving the way your driving instructor taught you may not seem very exciting, correct posture reduces your chances of injury in a crash and can help you keep better control of the car so you reduce your chances of an accident in the first place.

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Trucking is considered one of the most dangerous jobs in the U.S. In fact, safety experts agree that work injuries in Homestead and other communities are disproportionately likely to affect truck drivers when compared with others workers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, truck drivers had the eighth most dangerous job as of 2010, with 682 fatalities in the industry that year.

There are many things that make truck driving such a dangerous occupation:


1) Truck accidents. Not surprisingly, one of the leading cause of fatalities in the industry is related to traffic accidents. Even though truck drivers are carefully trained and tested to minimize their risk of accidents, truck accidents in Homestead and other communities still occur. In some cases, these collisions are caused by truck driver error and in some cases they are caused by passenger car drivers or other causes.

2) Thin profit margins.
Truck drivers earn about $37,930, on average, and as a result some feel pressure to take on longer hours or longer routes in order to earn more. At the same time, within the industry profit margins are not large, due in part to high overhead and the rising cost of fuel. This means that motor carriers and others in the industry sometimes have financial incentive to cut costs. In some situations, this leads to dangerous situations. For example, if motor carriers try to cut costs by hiring inexperienced drivers, truck and car accidents in Homestead and other communities can be the result. Cutting costs on fleet maintenance can lead to tire blowouts in Homestead and other cities.

3) Difficult hours. Overexertion leads to about 23% of nonfatal injuries in the industry. Long hours and shift work can mean that fatigue plays a role in some truck crashes. Even though federal rules dictate how long truck drivers can be on the road before they must rest, in some cases shift work leads to sleepiness, even when drivers take the required number of rest breaks. In other cases, truck drivers are pressured to take on unsafely long hours in order to make tight deadlines.

4) The size and weight of commercial trucks. Commercial trucks weigh up to 40 tons and travel quickly on highways and roads. In a collision, the size and force of a truck is enough to cause serious injury and fatalities. The size and weight of trucks routinely leads to fatalities, head injuries, spinal cord injuries, fractures, amputations, and other serious and permanent injuries.

5) Health issues. The shift work required of truck drivers, coupled with the sedentary nature of truck driving, can lead to a host of health problems, including obesity, sleep apnea, cardiac issues, and other health problems. On the road, these illnesses can lead to medical emergencies that could cause a truck to careen out of control.

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Survivors of truck and car accidents in Homestead sustain a number of injuries, including head injuries, amputations, paralysis, disfigurement, and more. One of the most devastating injuries to sustain in any type of traffic accident is a burn injury. Burn injuries can occur if a fuel tank is breached and the fuel inside spills or catches fire. Truck accidents can also lead to burn injuries in Homestead because trucks sometimes carry highly flammable or dangerous materials that can ignite after the force of an accident.

Many people consider burn injuries to be simply disfiguring, but they can be extremely painful as well and can lead to loss of motor skills as well as other catastrophic results. A severe burn can affect not only the top surface layer of skin, but also the muscles underneath — and even the bones. Severe burn injuries can cause fatalities, permanent injury, disfigurement, and can even lead to paralysis or amputation.


Burn injuries are also extremely difficult because many people feel self-conscious about their burn injury and the look of the affected skin. In some cases, burn injury patients in South Florida end up experiencing depression or have trouble returning to everyday activities because they cannot cope with the stares, rude comments, and other cruelty from other people.

As if this were not enough, burn injury patients also often face difficulty in getting fair compensation for their injuries. In some cases, medical insurance carriers will claim that skin grafts and other procedures required to treat burn injuries are cosmetic and are not medically required (or covered). In addition, insurance carriers may undervalue the cost of getting treatment for burns. In many cases, burn injuries require multiple treatments over a long period of time, and this can be costly. Sometimes, insurance companies offer money upfront and it is only months later that burn patients find that the money does not cover the full costs of their treatment. Burn injury patients may also need counseling, rehabilitation, and other care in order to recover not only their appearance and self-confidence, but also full mobility.

Before you agree to accept an insurance offer, contact a personal injury attorney in Homestead or your community in order to review your situation carefully. An experienced personal injury attorney who has handled thousands of traffic accident and burn injury cases can help you understand the likely total cost of your injuries and damages. They can also help you understand what your legal options are. If the accident was not caused by you and if there are multiple liable parties or even one large defendant, you may be able to seek compensation that can help you pay for your medical treatments, lost income, and other costs.

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Car and truck accidents in Homestead often lead to devastating injuries and even fatalities. For people who have been seriously or permanently injured in a truck accident or have lost a loved one in a traffic accident, emotional upheaval and even Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are the common outcomes.

People who have lost someone in a traffic accident or have been permanently injured may need to deal with financial distress as well as physical injuries. Victims may suffer from head injuries, spinal cord injuries, lacerations, and other injuries. If they have lost someone, they may also face final medical expenses, funeral costs, and other expenses. In addition to all this upheaval, they may also feel depressed, distressed, angry, and grief stricken. They may be unable to return to work for some time and may have a hard time returning to everyday activities due to depression and other serious emotional consequences.


A personal injury attorney in Homestead or another community can help a family seek compensation for pain and suffering, medical expenses, lost wages, and more. However, dealing with the emotional impact of a truck accident is often more far more complex. Securing financial resources can help pay for counseling as well as medical attention. Victims may wish to turn to:

1) Counselors, therapists, and other professionals. In some cases, these professionals can help victims deal with loss, depression, and other serious emotional issues. If you have been in a serious traffic accident in Homestead or another community and are experiencing depression or have trouble returning to your everyday life, speaking to a professional can help. If you have thoughts about self-harm, it is important to get immediate medical assistance from a doctor or qualified mental health practitioner.

2) Support groups. Sometimes, speaking with others who have been through the same experiences as you is helpful. There are many support groups available for people who have suffered specific injuries – such as head injuries in Homestead, for example – and for people who have lost a loved one or who have been in a serious traffic accident. These support groups are often free of charge and may be led by a counselor or other professional. These groups can help provide a sense of support and community, especially if you don’t have family or many friends to help you.

3) Art or music therapy. Many victims who have lost a loved one or who have been permanently injured find it useful to engage in art or music therapy or a similar therapy. These types of therapies rely on creative self-expression to help deal with depression, anger, and other difficult emotions.

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If you have been in a truck or car accident in Hollywood, you may assume that your car accident insurance policy will help cover you. After all, you probably spend considerable amounts of money paying your premiums. Unfortunately, many victims find that after a serious truck accident, they have a hard time collecting money from their insurance companies.

Truck accidents in Hollywood often lead to devastating and even permanent injuries. In these cases, it can be difficult for victims to get fair compensation just by consulting with their insurance companies and without working with a personal injury attorney in Hollywood or their community. The high costs of these injuries can mean that insurance companies try to resolve the claims for less than the full value of the claim. Quite simply, insurance companies are in the business of making money and large claim amounts are costly to these companies.


There are many reasons for insurance disputes after a truck accident:

•Insurance companies may undervalue the damages and injuries
•Insurance companies may fear the very high cost of the injuries and may allege that the injured party was not as seriously injured as they indicated
•Insurance companies may allege that the claim is fraudulent
•Insurance companies may claim that the injuries are not covered by the insurance policy
•Insurance company may claim that the policy is invalid for some reason
•Insurance companies may delay paying the claim amount for another reason
•Health insurance companies may allege that some injuries are the result of a pre-existing medical condition
When you are in a serious accident and you are an insurance policyholder, of course you expect your insurance company to honor your policy. When this does not occur, it is important to consult with a personal injury attorney in your community. You may have an insurance dispute claim in Hollywood or your community if your insurance company is not acting in good faith.

Even if your insurance company has made an offer, it is difficult to know whether they are undervaluing your injuries and damages without speaking with a personal injury attorney. Attorneys who have been working in the legal system for decades understand exactly how much typical injuries cost and can help you see exactly how much in lost wages you can expect to see with a specific injury as well as how many medical bills may mount up as a result of your injuries. This can help you evaluate your insurance company offers and can help you make the right decision when it comes to your future.

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Client Reviews
Mr. Flaxman is highly skilled and very pleasant to work with. He communicated with me at every step in the process, and clearly presented information relating to my case. To anyone considering retaining his firm, I highly recommend him. Clara Barman
THE BEST. Honest, very knowledgeable, fast and easy. has helped me in numerous situations and has never failed me. Joe Gee
Charlie is a very skilled attorney that advocates hard for his clients. But the best part is he is an all around great guy. He cares about helping and doing what is right for people and his community. And he is not afraid to fight against those who do wrong or against threats to our world. He is fluent in Spanish as well. Do yourself a favor and call him. Andy
I had a lawyer on another case and I never spoke to the lawyer and I hated that I never knew what was going on in my case. Mr. Flaxman was in constant communication with me, explained everything to me, and his staff was really great too. My phone calls were always returned immediately. It was refreshing to be able to speak to my attorney personally. I would HIGHLY recommend Mr. Flaxman as an attorney to anyone who has been in an accident. Gloria
I found Mr. Flaxman to be an excellent attorney for my personal injury case. This is actually the second time I have used him and he really represented my interests. He explained everything thoroughly and he was very available for my questions. Carol
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