Articles Posted in Truck Accident Injuries

Trucking collisions in Homestead and all communities are extremely dangerous for passengers in smaller vehicles. If you are pedestrian, passenger car driver, or bicyclist and are involved in a trucking collision, the size of the truck can mean you suffer life-threatening injuries in the incident.


If you have been in any sort of truck crash involving a larger vehicle, it is very important to act quickly and to get medical attention. Any internal or serious injuries could threaten your life and prompt medical attention could save it. Continue reading →

If you have been seriously injured in a truck accident in Hollywood or your community, you may need some time to recover. If you have suffered serious or permanent injury, you may need a variety of theories to heal and to help you adjust to life after your injury.


For example, if your injury means you cannot take care of basic tasks by yourself, you may need occupational therapy. This type of therapy uses a variety of tools to help you to adjust to life with an injury and to help you recover some of your independence.

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If you have been in a trucking crash in Hollywood or anywhere in South Florida, you may find your life permanent changed. If you have suffered a brain injury, back injury, spinal cord trauma, scarring, amputation, or any other serious injury your injuries may be permanent.


It can be hard to accept that a traffic accident in Hollywood or your community will have a life-long impact on you and your life. In many cases, survivors suffer from trauma or even depression after their collisions. Many doctors recommend seeking out a support group or group therapy so survivors can speak with others who have undergone some of the same trauma.

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If you have been in a truck accident in Hollywood or anywhere in South Florida, you may suffer a number of injuries. One of the most common types of injuries sustained in traffic accidents involves the face. When the face is whipped around suddenly because of the impact or when a passenger’s head is thrown violently against the dashboard or even into an air bag, a number of injuries can occur, including:

  • Cracked teeth
  • Chipped teeth
  • Damage to dentures and crowns
  • Lost fillings
  • Lost teeth


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Being in a trucking accident in Hollywood or South Florida is extremely expensive. Medical costs are quite high here, and in many cases insurance caps mean some of your costs may not be covered. It’s not unusual for a trucking accident to cause devastating injuries, such as brain injuries, spinal cord trauma, and more. These types of injuries can cost in excess of one million dollars if they are permanent and severe. Even fractures and facial injuries that don’t require years of medical treatment, however, can end up costing tens of thousands of dollars.


What makes trucking accident so expensive? Let’s take a closer look at some of those costs:

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Trucking accidents in Hollywood and South Florida can result in devastating injuries, including TBIs, spinal cord trauma, whiplash, and other injuries. One of the most devastating injuries to sustain, however, can be a facial injury.


Facial injuries often happen when a passenger finds face slammed against the dashboard or against a window. Trauma to the face can also happen when debris flies at a passengers’ face at high speeds during a collision. Facial injuries can include:

  • Lacerations
  • Scarring
  • Eye injuries
  • Dental and mouth injuries
  • Broken noses
  • Crushing injuries
  • Broken bones anywhere on the face, affecting facial structure and shape
  • Injuries to the jaw, cheekbones, or forehead

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A truck accident in Hollywood or anywhere in South Florida is likely to result in serious physical injuries. Each year, accidents involving tankers, 18 wheelers, and other large commercial vehicles result in amputations, brain trauma, spinal cord injuries, fatalities, and other losses. While many of the physical injuries of trucking accidents can be visually obvious, however, many people who survive these crashes also suffer other, less obvious injuries.

Emotional trauma is a serious potential consequence of any serious roadway accident in Hollywood or South Florida. Unfortunately, this type of injury is often overlooked because the symptoms may not be obvious and because it can take weeks or months for the signs of trauma to become obvious.


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Truck accidents are often devastating because of the size of vehicles involved. Fully loaded, tractor-trailers and big rigs can weigh 80,000 pounds. In a collision with a passenger vehicle, these larger trucks can easily crush smaller cars, causing devastating injuries.


One type of injury that can occur with truck accidents is an amputation. Losing a finger, arm, hand, foot, or leg to a truck accident is a life-changing injury. Amputation can happen in one of two ways. In some cases, a person becomes trapped underneath a truck or car and rescue workers have to amputate in order to free the passenger. In most cases, however, a part of the body is simply so crushed or injured that it cannot be saved and surgeons at a hospital perform an amputation in order to save a patient’s life.

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Trucks have to share the road not only with other vehicles but also with pedestrians and bicyclists. It can be especially dangerous at intersections in cities, where there are multiple users of the road all heading in different directions. Unfortunately, pedestrian accidents involving trucks happen all too often in crosswalks and on intersections in Hollywood and other South Florida cities.


These types of pedestrian-truck accidents can be especially devastating. The size of the truck is simply no match for a pedestrian, and fatalities as well as permanent injury are all too common in these types of crashes. According to FDOT, everyone has a responsibility to prevent pedestrian accidents. Truck drivers, passenger car drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists all need to be aware that:

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Serious injuries are unfortunately quite common after a trucking accident in Hollywood and other South Florida communities. Not everyone is fortunate enough to walk away from a commercial truck accident with no injuries.


But injuries are not the only thing that plaintiffs need to worry about. In some cases, in addition to the injuries sustained, patients suffer from additional complications that can make their injuries even more catastrophic.

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Client Reviews
Mr. Flaxman is highly skilled and very pleasant to work with. He communicated with me at every step in the process, and clearly presented information relating to my case. To anyone considering retaining his firm, I highly recommend him. Clara Barman
THE BEST. Honest, very knowledgeable, fast and easy. has helped me in numerous situations and has never failed me. Joe Gee
Charlie is a very skilled attorney that advocates hard for his clients. But the best part is he is an all around great guy. He cares about helping and doing what is right for people and his community. And he is not afraid to fight against those who do wrong or against threats to our world. He is fluent in Spanish as well. Do yourself a favor and call him. Andy
I had a lawyer on another case and I never spoke to the lawyer and I hated that I never knew what was going on in my case. Mr. Flaxman was in constant communication with me, explained everything to me, and his staff was really great too. My phone calls were always returned immediately. It was refreshing to be able to speak to my attorney personally. I would HIGHLY recommend Mr. Flaxman as an attorney to anyone who has been in an accident. Gloria
I found Mr. Flaxman to be an excellent attorney for my personal injury case. This is actually the second time I have used him and he really represented my interests. He explained everything thoroughly and he was very available for my questions. Carol
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