As the weather gets warmer in the springtime, many children and teens spend more time outdoors pursuing sports, recreational activities, and other fun activities. Unfortunately, while this is extremely healthy, it can also cause an increase in bicycle accidents, pedestrian accidents, and other accidents involving children and minors. Parents will want to encourage their children to spend time outdoors and pursue their favorite activities, but there are many ways to do this safely:
1) Review safety rules. If your child is taking out their bicycle for the first time this season, or is heading outdoors for a fun evening at the park, review household safety rules. If you don’t have any rules about safety in your home, this is a great time to formulate some with your children and post them in a visible spot in your home. Remind your children, for example, to look both ways before crossing the street, and to use correct signals when making a turn on their bicycle.
2) Ensure that children are not distracted when heading out. Whether your teen is heading out for a jog or your younger child is heading out on a bicycle for the first time, encourage your children to stay alert. Discourage your children from using cell phones, mobile devices, or headphones while jogging, bicycling, or even just walking. Headphones and mobile devices distract can prevent your children from noticing cars, other pedestrians, and bicycles on the road. This distraction can easily contribute to a pedestrian or bicycling accident.