Articles Posted in Causes of Truck Accidents

Even trucks that are on the road legally can cause devastating truck accidents in Miami and other cities. However, some trucks are even more dangerous because they are on the road when they shouldn’t be. Illegal trucking can include:

1) Trucks driven by illegal drivers. In 2006, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) reported 15,000 suspicious commercial driver’s license (CDL) holders. After an investigation, about a third of them gave up their licenses or had them revoked. Illegal licensing can take place in a number of ways. Someone who is not eligible for a CDL may falsify their identity or other documents in order to obtain a license, for example. In some cases, drivers may pay someone else to take their tests or may pay to get a fake CDL. Some safety experts think that there may be thousands of illegal drivers on the roads, and these drivers have generally not passed the strict physical tests and driving tests needed to operate big rigs and commercial trucks. Quite simply, they mean a bigger risk of truck and car crashes in Miami and other cities.


2) Trucks without adequate registration and attention to legalities. Truck drivers, trucks, and their cargo must be correctly registered and licensed with a DOT number, registration tags, MC number, and other verification. It can cost thousands of dollars to get legal operating credentials and insurance. As a result, some truck carriers in Miami are negligent in this regard and do not take all the proper steps to keep their fleets legal, which can result in traffic crashes and fatalities. In some cases, trucking companies are penalized for their actions. For example, West Palm Beach’s U.S. district court recently fined a Florida trucking company $750,000 for illegal transport of hazardous materials. In some cases, however, the illegal activities are not uncovered until after a crash has taken place.

3) Illegal trucks engaged in illegal activities. Some trucks are not legally registered and insured because of money concerns. Some, however, are engaged in illegal operations such as smuggling people or goods. In these cases, truck drivers may not be registered correctly in an effort to cover their tracks. If you are in an accident with this type of illegal truck, it can be difficult to get compensation since the truck driver’s or truck carrier’s insurance company may deny the claim. In some cases, the truck may not even have insurance.

It can be terrifying to be in a truck accident. If your truck accident involves a truck that is in any way illegal, though, it can be even more challenging. You are more likely to be involved in a hit and run accident in Miami in these cases, since a driver may decide to leave rather than risk being caught with illegal cargo or an illegal truck. The truck may be uninsured or you may find yourself involved in an insurance dispute when you try to make a claim.

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Each year, truck accidents in Homestead cause serious injuries and cost lives. Across the country, accidents involving commercial trucks cause devastation. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 3,373 people lost their lives across the country in 2011 due to accidents involving tractor-trailers. Many more people in Florida and across the U.S. suffer serious injuries such as fractures and head injuries as a result of these types of accidents.

Trucks are necessary for transporting goods and underpinning businesses across the state. When truck and car accidents in Homestead and other cities occur, motorists in passenger cars are most likely to be injured or killed in this type of accident. A passenger car simply has no chance against a much larger big rig.


For this reason and since many truck-car accidents are caused due to driver error, safety experts say that motorists can do a great deal to help prevent traffic crashes in Homestead and other cities. If you drive a passenger car, you can help by:

•Never cutting off a large truck. A tractor-trailer or semi traveling at 55 miles per hour takes the equivalent of two football fields to come to a complete stop. If you cut off a large truck, you are doing more than just being a rude driver – you are risking your life and the lives of your passengers. If you cut off a large truck and the truck driver has to slam on the brakes, you will likely be injured in a serious rear-end shunt accident in Homestead or your community.
•Stay safe around trucks making right turns. Semis will often pull into the left lane and swing wide when making a right turn. You need to give the truck added room to avoid being involved in a squeeze play accident. Never try to go around the truck – it could cost you your life.
•Don’t tailgate trucks. Trucks can drift backwards when they change gears. If you are following a truck uphill, especially, you could be involved in an accident if you don’t give the vehicle extra room.
•Make sure you can see the truck driver in his or her mirrors. Semis have blind spots in front of the truck, on the sides of the cab, and behind the vehicle. Keep sight of the driver in their mirrors and make eye contact to ensure that the driver can see you and is aware of your car.
•If you must pull over, pull over all the way to the shoulder. Large trucks take up a lot of room on highways and in lanes. If you are too close to a lane, a truck might brush into your vehicle. A drifting truck can also collide with your car.

Everyone has a responsibility for staying safe on the roads. Studies have shown that many car and truck accidents are caused by driver error in many cases, so taking care to drive safely could help you reduce your risk of a collision.

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Commercial trucks and 18-wheelers are, by their very weight and size, more dangerous than passenger vehicles on our roads. It’s one reason why federal rules are very strict about these larger vehicles. Motor carriers and truck drivers must obey the laws and rules for driving and maintaining large trucks in order to help prevent car and truck accidents in Hollywood and other communities.

Unfortunately, some motor carriers and drivers are lax when it comes to safety inspections and other laws that are in place to protect you. The United States Department of Transportation reports that about 500 000 truck accidents occur across the U.S. each year. There is some dispute about how many defective trucks and illegal trucks on the roads are contributing to these collisions, but one thing is clear: reducing the number of illegal and defective trucks on the roads could help prevent some traffic collisions in Hollywood and across the country each year.


There are many types of illegal and defective trucks on the roads which can contribute to truck and car accidents in Hollywood and other communities:

•Trucks that exceed weight limits. Federal laws clearly limit the total weight of trucks and there are weight scales in place to ensure that commercial vehicles do not exceed these limits. However, some motor carriers and drivers purposely falsify cargo documents and avoid weight scales by taking back roads in order to exceed weight limits.
•Trucks that are transporting illegal cargo or illegally stored cargo. Cargo transported by commercial vehicles must be correctly recorded and safely secured. There are special rules for dangerous or hazardous cargo. In some cases, however, motor carriers or drivers transport illegal cargo or transport dangerous cargo without proper precautions. This is not only dangerous, but it can lead to disastrous collisions.
•Trucks that are not correctly maintained. Motor carriers sometimes do not take proper care to correctly maintain trucks, which can lead to tire blowouts, brake failure, and other problems. In some cases, investigative journalists have found that unsafe trucks are shuffled from state to state to avoid the costs of needed repairs.
•Trucks with defective brakes, underride guards, or other components. When a truck has defective brakes or other components, it is expected that these dangerous parts are replaced and trucks are fixed. Unfortunately, some motor carriers and drivers choose to drive vehicles that are not road-safe.
•Trucks without proper licensing. Trucks must be properly registered for Florida or for interstate trucking, but in some cases not all the paperwork is filed correctly. In some cases, if these trucks are in an accident it is difficult for injured survivors to seek justice because not all the information about the truck is available.
•Trucks without legal drivers. Drivers of commercial trucks are expected to have the right class of licensing, an active license, and are expected to be screened for the job. When unsafe drivers are allowed behind the wheel, dangerous collisions are a common result.

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According to the CDC, truck drivers have one of the most dangerous jobs in America. In 2004, the fatality rate for tractor-trailer and heavy truck drivers was about 11 times higher than the fatality rate for the average U.S. worker. That same year, the Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses found that truck drivers had the second-highest number of injuries among all jobs. That year, about 63,570 drivers were affected by non-fatal injuries.


In addition to the risk of car and truck accidents in Hollywood and other communities, however, there is also the risk of serious illness for truck drivers. We are only now becoming more aware of the risks of illnesses and studies are showing that truck drivers may be more prone to certain illnesses due to the long hours of driving, the strain of handling cargo, and the irregular schedules they face. Studies have shown that this job results in a number of illness risks, including the risk of:

1) Heart attacks and cardiac disease. Many researchers blame the sedentary nature of truck driving for the heart attacks and heart disease that truck drivers face. Many studies have linked long periods of sitting with increased risk of mortality and heart disease, and long-haul truck drivers certainly do sit a great deal. While commercial drivers may need to load and unload, the amount of physical activity they get may not offset the many hours of inactivity. In addition, eating well on the road is a challenge, and some drivers may rely on fast food meals or on truck stop meals, which tend to be high in salt and fats. All of these conditions can lead to heart problems.

2) Cancers. A recent study by Dr. L. Joseph Su of the National Cancer Institute found a link between aggressive prostate cancer and certain occupations – specifically, truck driving, garden shop work, and work in the financial industry. Su suggested that truck drivers may face a higher risk of some cancers due to whole-body vibrations present during long hours of driving. Other studies have also shown a link between cancer and truck driving and have suggested that sedentary lifestyles coupled with limited healthy food options while on the road may play a role. Some truck drivers also deal with hazardous cargo materials, and this could potentially affect their cancer risk, some researchers note.

3) Sleep disorders. Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea affect not only drivers but can also affect their ability to drive safely. Experts say that some traffic accidents in Hollywood and other communities are caused not only by fatigue but by sleep conditions. Drivers may be more at risk for sleep disorders, according to some health experts, because of the long hours of inactivity and the shift work that is part of the job. In turn, sleep disorders increase the risk of truck and car accidents in Hollywood and other communities since these disorders can cause truck drivers to fall asleep at the wheel.

4) Obesity. While not an illness in itself, obesity can lead to diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and a host of other conditions which can be dangerous for drivers. The long hours of sitting combined with the difficulty of eating right can mean drivers are at increased risk of obesity. Unfortunately, even though obesity and many other disorders are linked to truck driving, drivers may have a hard time getting workers compensation in Hollywood and other insurance benefits for their illnesses and conditions, making it harder for them to get assistance.

5) Mental health issues.
A 2012 study conducted by M. Shattell, Y. Apostolopoulos, C. Collins, S. Sonmez, and C. Fehrenbacher found that truck drivers may face an increased instance of some conditions that could lead to mental health issues. Conducting a survey of 316 truck drivers, researchers concluded that 27.9% of the drivers experienced loneliness, 26.9% suffered from depression, 20.6% reported chronic sleep issues, 14.5% admitted to anxiety and 13% suffered from other emotional problems. Researchers concluded that these were issues that could significantly affect mental health and were caused by the stresses of the job as well as limited access to health care and support on the road.

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Much is written about drunk driving accidents in Homestead and across the country. According to government statistics, there were 33,625 DUI convictions in Florida in 2011 alone. According to the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drunk driving is a national epidemic, with a person being injured in a drunk driving accident, on average, every ninety seconds. In 2011, 9,878 Americans were killed in traffic collisions involving drunk driving.

But how many of those accidents involve commercial truck drivers?

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), truck drivers have a lower instance of DUI when compared with other motorists, in part because the rules for drivers of big rigs and tractor trailers are stricter. According to the FMCSA, commercial truck drivers must pass pre-employment screening as well as post-crash and random alcohol and drug tests. The FMCSA also runs a Drug and Alcohol Testing Survey of truck drivers and these surveys show that positive drug and alcohol tests for commercial drivers are at about 1%.


However, a recent review of crash literature and studies conducted by Edmarlon Girotto of the Universidade Estadual de Londrina in the Brazilian state of Parana found that drugs and alcohol may be a bigger concern than many have thought. His research suggests that about 30% of truck drivers worldwide admitted to using amphetamines and about one in two admitted to drinking and driving on the job. Girotto also found a study from the U.S. showing a 12.5% rate of positive alcohol tests – the highest in the world and in stark contrast to the FMCSA’s findings.

So who is right? Do commercial truck drivers really help prevent car and truck accidents in Homestead and other communities by refusing to drive under the influence or is DUI driving a major cause of traffic accidents on our streets?

Research conflicts on the subject, although most research does suggest that commercial truck drivers do have lower risks of accidents and injuries when compared with passenger car drivers. The stricter regulations and more careful screening and training could be part of the reason for that. However, there is no doubt that even a single traffic accident in Homestead caused by drunk driving is unacceptable, since these accidents are completely preventable.

Fortunately, in cases where a motorist is injured by a drunk driver, they do have options. If the at-fault driver is a commercial truck driver, the injured motorist can pursue criminal charges as well as a legal claim against the truck driver, motor carrier, and other possible liable parties. This allows the plaintiff to look for compensation for lost income, medical bills, and other expenses related to their injuries. It also sends a very strong message to both the motor carriers and truck drivers that DUI accidents will not be tolerated. When motor carriers stand to lose significant money due to DUI accidents and when truck drivers stand to lose their jobs and income, more strides may be made in eradicating drinking and driving.

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Truck drivers have a dangerous job. In fact, truck drivers are routinely listed as having one of the top ten most dangerous jobs in the U.S., with hundreds of truck drivers losing their lives on the roads across the country each year. However, it is not just truck accidents in Homestead and other cities that make this such a dangerous job. Truck drivers are also subject to a number of health issues because of their work. These health issues can end up costing lives and can also lead to truck and car accidents in Homestead and other communities. In fact, according to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), about 10% of fatal truck accidents between 1987 and 1992 were attributed in large part to a driver’s health condition.

Commercial truck drivers must undergo a physical every two years according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. These check-ups are intended to note any health concerns that could make drivers dangerous on the roads. However, safety experts note that there are problems with the system. Not all doctors, for example, are aware of the risks that truck drivers face, so they do not always check for some common health problems. In addition, some truck drivers shop around for doctors who are willing to give a clean bill of health, since losing time away from work can mean income lost. Finally, some safety experts feel that tests every two years are not frequent enough to catch serious health conditions.


There are a number of reasons why truck drivers may be more likely to suffer serious health concerns:

1) They face serious stress. The stress of sitting in a truck all day, dealing with heavy traffic and tight deadlines, can have a serious effect on cardiac health.

2) They have a sedentary work lifestyle.
Truck drivers spend a lot of their work day sitting down, and many studies have shown that sitting down for long work hours can increase the chances of fatal illness, including heart problems. Due to long hours, some drivers may have a hard time finding time to exercise.

3) They face the dangers of shift work. Many studies have suggested that workers who work in shifts are more likely to suffer from sleep disorders, cardiac issues, and other health concerns. Part of the problem seems to be that the body has a hard time adjusting to different sleep patterns.

4) They may have a difficult time eating healthy on the road. Truck drivers often face tight deadlines and long drives, so they may need to eat on the road. Since they have little time to eat and since commercial trucks may not fit in all parking lots, many truck drivers may be tempted to eat fast food, which is easy, fast, convenient, and inexpensive. Unfortunately, eating this food – combined with a sedentary life – can lead to obesity, which in turn can lead to diabetes, cardiac problems, stroke, cancer, and many other serious illnesses. These illnesses, in turn, can inadvertently lead to traffic collisions in Homestead and other communities.

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According to experts, we all need between 7.5 and 9 hours of sleep nightly in order to have the energy and levels of alertness we need. However, studies have shown that over a third of Americans sleep six hours a night or less during the work week. What is even worse, some researchers claim that we overestimate how long we sleep by 47 minutes, so we may be even more sleep deprived than we realize.

This is bad news for those who are concerned about truck and car accidents in Homestead and other communities, since sleep deprivation is a major contributor to traffic accidents. Although there are federal laws designed to ensure that commercial truck drivers and other commercial vehicle operators get adequate rest so that they can do their jobs safely, there are indications that truckers and other professionals do not get enough rest. A study by the National Sleep Foundation, for example, found that 44% of polled truck drivers stated that they rarely get good sleep on workdays.


How much does sleeplessness really contribute to car and truck accidents in Homestead and other cities? The answer may surprise you. According to some sleep experts, even reducing sleep by 1.3 or 1.5 hours for a single nights can cut daytime alertness by up to 32%. This can mean that a commercial truck driver who has had even one bad night of sleep could be less alert on the road and more likely to be in a serious traffic accident in Homestead or your community.

Part of the problem, too, is that while federal rules regulate how much truck drivers need to rest, they cannot regulate sleep. Truck drivers have maximum hours of service rules they must adhere to and these rules ensure that truck drivers are not allowed to be on the job without getting a certain amount of rest. In some cases, however, truck carriers and drivers violate these rules. Even in cases where the rules are obeyed, though, there is simply no way to ensure that a truck driver gets adequate sleep. A driver may take the required time off but may have trouble falling asleep or may suffer from sleep apnea or another disorder that affects driving ability.

When truck drivers do not get adequate amounts of quality sleep, everyone is at risk. Fatigued drivers are more likely to make mistakes that lead to serious accidents. They may also have poorer decision making skills and reaction times. In some cases, they can even fall asleep at the wheel, losing control of their big rig or tractor trailer.

In some cases, truck drivers may not even realize how fatigued they are. When the body is very tired, it can fall into “microsleeps” or very short periods of inattention or sleep. A person may not even be aware of these microsleeps since they can last just a fraction of a second. Unfortunately, they are long enough to cause a serious crash.

It is possible that technology may eventually help in preventing accidents caused by driver fatigue. There are already devices available that track eye movement of drivers and can sound an alarm if a driver shows signs of fatigue or sleepiness. Eventually, these devices could help save lives by getting unsafe drivers off the road.

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In Hollywood, truck accidents may be caused by additional pressure and the type of work conditions that occur during this time of year. According to insurance companies, claims for traffic accidents in Hollywood and other cities go up during this month. There are several factors that could be contributing to more collisions at this time of year:

1) There may be more temporary workers – and drivers — during the holiday season. Stores demand more products to meet holiday demands and many customers want delivery of their products as well. All of this means more truck traffic and this means more pressure on motor carriers to put more trucks and more drivers on the road. As a result, at this time of year there may be more newer drivers on the roads as motor carriers try to meet demands.


2) There are more deliveries during the holiday season. Stores often offer extra incentives – such as deliveries to customers’ doors – and both stores and customers are ordering more products for the holidays. This not only means more trucks on city streets, but it also means more deliveries being made to places that drivers may not be familiar with (such as customer homes). This can increase the risk of car or truck accidents in Hollywood and other communities.

3) There is more traffic during the holiday season.
There are more pedestrians taking advantage of holiday events and more cars on the roads as residents visit family and go shopping. There are also more trucks on the roads making more deliveries. More people sharing the roads can mean more congestion and the potential for collisions.

4) There are tighter deadlines during the holiday season. This time of year is hectic. Everyone wants gifts delivered by a certain day, and this can put extra pressure on truck drivers to drive for longer hours to make deliveries on time. However, when drivers ignore hours of service rules and fail to get proper rest they can easily cause a crash.

5) There is more work and personal pressure during the holidays. In addition to more work pressure to make more deadlines, truck drivers may be distracted by their own holiday plans, shopping lists, and holiday events.

6) Passenger car drivers may be more distracted during this time of year. Motorists are not subject to the same strict rules as truck drivers. At this hectic time of year, drivers of passenger cars may be trying to multitask in their cars or may be exhausted due to the many holiday pressures they face. Even when truck drivers are cautious, they may still need to deal with DUI car accidents in Hollywood and with aggressive or distracted drivers.

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According to a new study by State Farm Insurance, there is cause to worry about car and truck accidents in Homestead at this time of year. According to the study, about 32% of polled drivers admitted that they become more aggressive on the roads during the holiday season. Those under the age of 49 and those who are parents are especially prone to aggressive driving.

According to the study’s authors, a large part of the problem is the pressure of the holidays. People feel more stress during the holidays as they try to find presence, try to do more, and worry about finances. All of these factors can be a distraction behind the wheel and can also contribute to aggressive driving.


In addition to the stress and pressure of the holidays, this time of year also means more traffic. There is more truck traffic in particular as more stores order additional merchandise and as customers order gift deliveries and other deliveries for the holiday season. The extra pressure and the extra traffic can make for a deadly combination.

According to a study by University of Alabama professor David Brown, as a result of the pressure the holidays, there is a spike in traffic accidents during this time of year. Looking at 10 years of crash data, Brown concluded that the six days around Christmas are especially prone to accidents. During this period of time, there are 18% more reported collisions than during Thanksgiving, which is the heaviest travel period of the year. The six days around Christmas also see 27% more crashes than New Year’s Eve, when drunk driving accidents in Homestead and other communities is a concern. According to the Highway Loss Data Institute, reported claims for car accidents increase by 20% in the month of December, and this may not reflect the total number of car accidents, since minor fender benders in parking lots may go unreported.

According to safety experts, there are a number of things that can be done in order to help prevent car accidents at this time of year:

1) Be aware of the risks. Knowing that there are more truck and car accidents in Homestead and other communities at this time of year means that you can be more cautious when driving. According to Brown, this year, the Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday before Christmas are all especially prone to traffic accidents. Last-minute shoppers will be traveling on these days, stores will be open, and that will be compounded by commuter traffic and by people leaving for the holidays during the weekend.

2) Focus on reducing speed. Speed can especially lead to tragic accidents and speeding is considered one of the most common outcomes of aggressive driving. Staying within speed limits can help reduce your risk of an accident and can increase your chances of surviving a collision.

3) Reduce distractions. Especially with more traffic on the road, it is important to fully focus on driving. Put away cell phones, shopping lists, and any other distractions. When driving, try not to focus on your to do list or the pressures and stresses you may be facing; instead, focus on driving and on getting to your destination safely.

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When the conscious mind and unconscious mind of a driver are focused on different things, the outcome is something known as white line fever or highway hypnosis. Highway hypnosis is extremely dangerous because it causes drivers to “zone out” and while they may complete the basic tasks of driving, they often have no conscious memory of actually driving. Highway hypnosis can occur over long stretches of road and is an especial danger for truck drivers, because they drive over such long distances and so frequently.


Not a great deal is known about white line fever, even though it is an obvious danger on the roads. Researchers believe that:

•It contributes to accidents each year
•It may be more of a risk on long, monotonous stretches of road
•It may be linked to undiagnosed sleep disorders in some cases
There is no doubt, however, that it can kill. In fact, the accident on the Metro-North Railroad commuter train earlier this month has been blamed on an engineer who allegedly experienced highway hypnosis. In this state, some experts note, a driver may complete rote tasks but may not be able to respond to sudden or unexpected changes in time, which creates a risk of accidents.

Experts do agree that drivers can do a number of things to prevent highway-hypnosis related car and truck accidents in Miami and other communities:

•Get plenty of sleep. Some experts believe that highway hypnosis is in fact “micro sleep” or very short bursts of sleep that can occur if a person is very fatigued. Getting adequate sleep and adjusting for shift work, they agree, can dramatically reduce the instances of white line fever. Truck drivers are expected to abide by hours of service rules, but non-commercial motorists must be made aware of the dangers and need to decide themselves to get proper sleep to prevent truck and car accidents in Miami and other cities.

•Find ways to stay alert while driving. Long drives are not very stimulating, so drivers need to take steps to focus on driving so that their minds don’t wander. A very effective way to do this is to keep scanning the road and to think three moves ahead. Another option is to have tiny check-in times. For example, at every street corner or when passing each tree, a driver could ask themselves if their full focus is still on driving.

•Change up routes. Since long, boring routes are more likely to be the culprit, changing things up can take. Carpooling or taking a different route can mean a driver has to focus a little more on driving and this can prevent white line fever.

•Set car or truck conditions to promote wakefulness. Make sure there is plenty of fresh air in the car or truck and keep the temperature cool. Avoid eating a heavy meal before driving and make sure to take regular breaks when driving to prevent fatigue.
•Use extra caution when driving at night. Highway hypnosis is especially a risk at night, since the flashing of street lights going by can have a hypnotic effect. The body is already often tired at this time of the night and may be more susceptible. In addition, many drivers focus on the white lines on the road as they get tired and this can create a hypnotic effect.

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Mr. Flaxman is highly skilled and very pleasant to work with. He communicated with me at every step in the process, and clearly presented information relating to my case. To anyone considering retaining his firm, I highly recommend him. Clara Barman
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Charlie is a very skilled attorney that advocates hard for his clients. But the best part is he is an all around great guy. He cares about helping and doing what is right for people and his community. And he is not afraid to fight against those who do wrong or against threats to our world. He is fluent in Spanish as well. Do yourself a favor and call him. Andy
I had a lawyer on another case and I never spoke to the lawyer and I hated that I never knew what was going on in my case. Mr. Flaxman was in constant communication with me, explained everything to me, and his staff was really great too. My phone calls were always returned immediately. It was refreshing to be able to speak to my attorney personally. I would HIGHLY recommend Mr. Flaxman as an attorney to anyone who has been in an accident. Gloria
I found Mr. Flaxman to be an excellent attorney for my personal injury case. This is actually the second time I have used him and he really represented my interests. He explained everything thoroughly and he was very available for my questions. Carol
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