Being in a truck accident is frightening enough, and having to deal with insurance after you have been injured or suffered car damage can be frustrating and upsetting. Insurance companies often make big promises when you are signing up for their services and paying the premiums. However, when it comes…
Florida Injury Lawyer Blog
Support for Sexual Assault Survivors in Hollywood and Florida
Despite many efforts, sexual assault and sexual violence remains a serious problem in Florida, with about one in six women in Florida having been raped in their lifetime and 20.4% of Florida men suffering a form of sexual abuse other than rape. If you are the survivor of sexual violence…
Birth Injuries in Hollywood and Florida
When couples learn that they are expecting a child, they are often jubilant with the news. It is an exciting time and many families and look forward to sharing a lifetime of memories with their children. Unfortunately, birth injuries can rob a family of these treasured moments. Birth injuries are…
Bad Teen Driving Habits Could Mean an Increased Risk of Truck Accidents
Teen drivers in Hollywood and South Florida will often spend considerable time in driver’s education classes and practicing in a car. While they are often excited to try out lessons learned on the road, however, it is important for parents and caregivers to pay attention to the habits their young…
How to Get Kids to Obey Safety Rules when it Comes to Trucks
Children can sometimes develop a big interest in trucks they see around them. Trucks are big, powerful machines and can seem very cool to kids. Unfortunately, curiosity and the desire to take a closer look can have some tragic consequences for young ones. Most of us don’t consider the places…
Preventing Injuries in School
At this time of year, many students and parents are excited about new school routines, new classrooms, and a whole new school year. While school is meant to be an education and safe space for children, however, children are seriously injured each year on school grounds and when walking to…
Myths About Truck Safety
Do you believe these misconceptions about truck collisions?: Myth: Truck drivers don’t have to worry about being in a collision, because they are protected in the cab. Fact: Passenger car drivers, pedestrians, motorcyclists, and bicyclists are most at risk in a trucking collision because they are protected by fewer layers.…
Speeding Teens Could be In Danger of Truck Accidents
About 30% of all fatal accidents involving teen drivers in 2014 involved speeding. Speeding is a serious problem for teen drivers and their parents. Speed-related crashes can result in serious injuries and even fatalities and preventing these collisions can be tricky. Teens may speed from peer pressure or out of…
Dangerous Myths About Trucking Collisions
Many people have misconceptions about trucking accidents, and unfortunately some of these myths can impact their ability to share the road safely with larger vehicles. Do you believe any of these myths?: Myth: There’s nothing I can do to stop truck crashes. The Reality: It can feel futile to try…
Teen Fatigue Could be Putting Your Child at Risk of Injury
UCLA researchers have reported that teenagers need more sleep than adults, because they are at an important stage of development. According to the National Sleep Foundation, only about 15% of teenagers polled slept 8.5 hours or more per night. This is a dangerous situation, since fatigue can affect motor control,…