
Florida Injury Lawyer Blog


Truck Accidents and Delivery Trucks in Your Neighborhood

Delivery trucks play an important role in getting customer goods, materials, and industrial products to stores, businesses and customers. You may rely on delivery trucks to deliver your latest purchases from your local or online retailers while delivery trucks also work to get products on shelves. Unfortunately, delivery trucks can…


Safe Shopping Tips for Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday is a big online shopping event which allows you to save money on electronics, housewares, appliances and other purchases. Shoppers in Hollywood and across South Florida will be looking at online sites and making big purchases on Cyber Monday. Unfortunately, this big shopping experience can also extract fraudsters.…


Light Truck Accidents in Hollywood and South Florida

Many drivers use light trucks to transport larger purchases or just to enjoy more room. Light trucks are currently popular in Hollywood and southern Florida as well as other parts of the country. Many drivers like being higher off the ground in these larger vehicles and feel safer with the…


Traumatic Brain Injury in Hollywood and South Florida Nursing Homes

Traumatic brain injuries can occur in Hollywood nursing homes for a number of reasons. They are most common due to falls, such as slip and fall or trip and fall incidents in hallways, when getting in and out of bed, or in the washroom. Staff are expected to take reasonable…


Sepsis in Nursing Homes in Hollywood and South Florida

Sepsis is caused by a complication to an injury. In this condition, the body fights an infection by releasing chemicals into the blood, only to have those chemicals cause an inflammatory reaction and then potential damage to organs or even organ failure. Often, sepsis begins with a rapid heart rate…


Femur Breaks Among Residents of Hollywood Nursing Homes

The femur is the longest bone in the body, located in the thigh. Femur fractures are extremely serious. They can affect the entire lower part of the body. For seniors for living in Hollywood nursing homes, femur breaks are a concern, particularly in situations where a senior has osteoporosis or…


Seizures in Hollywood Nursing Homes

Seizures occur when electrical impulses in the brain function incorrectly or when the wrong impulses fire in the brain. Seizures are terrifying to witness. A patient who experiences seizures loses control of their body and may shake uncontrollably, fall to the floor, and more. For residents of Hollywood and South…


Hip Fractures Are Especially Dangerous for Seniors

Seniors are especially vulnerable to hip fractures, which can be a life-threatening injury. Hip injuries, including fractures, are most commonly caused by falls and by slip and fall accidents. Nursing homes and assisted-living facilities are expected to take extra precautions to reduce the risk of falls to ensure that these…


Shuttle Accidents, Mass Transit Injuries, and Seniors in Hollywood

Many seniors take mass transit because they can no longer drive or because they wish to reduce the costs associated with owning a car. Other seniors use shuttles because they are part of a nursing home or retirement home which uses this mode of transportation for residents. While using these…

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