Misdiagnosis is a serious concern in Hollywood and across South Florida. When a medical professional misses the signs of a serious illness, patients may not get the treatment they need. Medical malpractice cases in South Florida can also occur when incorrect treatment is given. If the wrong site is operated…
Florida Injury Lawyer Blog
Preventing Travel Injuries
If you are travelling in Miami, Hollywood, or anywhere in southern Florida, of course you want to have a stress-free and wonderful vacation, one you remember for many years to come. The last thing you want is to remember your vacation as a painful experience. Taking a few steps before…
What to Do When Injured at a Hotel
Hotels in Hollywood, Miami, and South Florida promise a comfortable and safe stay for guests. When hotels are negligent in providing safety measures, however, you may sustain injury during your stay. Common hotel injuries and damages can include slip and fall accidents, thefts or attacks, exposure to pests, and other…
Injured on Vacation? What You Need to Know
If, like millions of people, you are travelling to South Florida, you may be expecting nothing more than wonderful memories, delicious food, endless beaches, crashing waves, and a terrific holiday. Certainly, that is what most visitors to Hollywood, Miami, and South Florida enjoy. However, if you are injured on vacation,…
Helicopter Injuries
Seeing Miami, Hollywood, and the rest of South Florida from the air is a wonderful experience. There are helicopter tours the area as well as helicopter lessons you can find if you want to learn to fly yourself. In addition, helicopters can be used for medical transport or sometimes even…
Staying Home After a Serious Injury: What You Need to Know to Stay Safe
Whether you have been in a traffic collision, have suffered a work injury at your Hollywood job, or have sustained any other serious injury which requires you to stay at your South Florida home to recover, keep in mind that the days and weeks following your injury are important. If…
Safety at the Gym
The gym is a great place to work out, get in shape, and enjoy the health benefits of exercise. Many gyms in Hollywood and South Florida are very safe, but serious injuries can and do happen at these establishments. Gyms can result in Hollywood premises liability claims if a gym…
Public Pool Safety
Pools are a great way to enjoy some recreation and get low-impact exercise. If you don’t have your own pool in your Hollywood or South Florida home, you may be able to use a public pool. Public pools in recreation centers, condo buildings and other public spaces, however, come with…
Nursing Homes or At-Home Caregivers: Injuries Are Possible
Those who take care of the elderly in homes or Hollywood and South Florida nursing homes can face a number of risks and injuries. At-home caregivers need support and need to be aware of the risks of their job. Those risks include: Slip and trip accidents. If spills and debris…
Tips for a Safe and Happy July 4
Flaxman Law Group would like to extend warm wishes for a safe and happy July 4 to all our readers and clients, as well as their families. To make this July 4 holiday fun and safe for everyone, we would like to also remind all our readers and clients of…