
Florida Gardening Injuries: How to Prevent Them

Hollywood and South Florida in general are wonderful spots for gardeners. Many beautiful plants grow naturally in this warm climate and gardens of sage, palm trees, fruits and vegetables, herbs, magnolias, beautyberries, grasses, cypress and more. The warmth and sunshine is a dream for growing any kind of garden.

Whether you garden yourself or hire a landscape professional, Hollywood’s climate allows you to plant a beautiful space of flowering plants, a rock garden, an exotic blooms garden or anything else you desire. However, while gardening can be a healthful activity, it can also lead to injuries and even fatalities. If you work in the garden, you will want to take precautions to stay safe.

Common Gardening Injuries in Hollywood

In South Florida, many types of injuries can occur:

  • Sun-related injury
  • Fractures
  • Spinal cord and back injuries
  • Burns
  • Exposure to pests and toxic plants
  • Lyme disease
  • Slip and fall and trip and fall injuries
  • Cuts and amputations caused by gardening equipment
  • Knee injuries
  • Chemical burns and injury from fertilizer and other products used for gardening

Preventing Gardening Injuries in Hollywood

There are many things you can do to prevent injury when gardening:

  • Do not physically exert yourself. Check with your doctor before starting gardening and make sure you can stand the physical activity. While gardening does not seem physically demanding, it does take a toll.
  • Protect yourself from the sun. Drink plenty of water and do your gardening in the morning or evening, when the sun is least strong. Wear a hat and sun protection as well. Take frequent breaks and move indoors if you start to feel too warm.
  • Use gardening tools correctly. Always read the instructions that come with gardening tools and implements and follow the manufacturer’s directions closely. Always clean up your garden area when you are done to prevent trip and fall accidents.
  • Carefully check the reputation of any landscape services you use. Landscapers can leave debris in your yard or can cause damage to your property. Always make sure any services you hire are reputable and are insured.
  • Check the labels on any products you use. Sprays you use to rid your plants of pests or encourage growth or any chemicals you use in your garden can be corrosive and potentially dangerous. Always wear gloves and the proper safety equipment when using these materials and store them well out of the way of children.
  • Protect yourself from pests. Wear long-sleeve clothing and tuck your socks into your pant legs. Wear a non-toxic bug repellant and carry medication with you if you have any allergies to insects. Always check after gardening to ensure you have not been bitten by a tick, which can carry Lyme disease.

When Do I Have a Claim?

If you are injured by a defective gardening product or device or by the negligent actions of a landscaper, you may have a products liability claim or a claim you can file with your homeowners’ insurance. To find out more, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a Hollywood personal injury attorney. Your first consultation is absolutely free and comes with no obligation, so you risk nothing by getting the facts about your case.

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