
Articles Posted in Personal Injury


In Florida, Chainsaw Accidents Are a Leading Cause of Personal Injury After Storms

In Florida, summer can sometimes mean severe weather. While hurricanes, high winds, and thunderstorms can all cause personal injuries which can include head injuries, burn injuries, broken limbs, and even fatalities, the cleanup after storms can be just as dangerous in Florida. After a severe storm, many homeowners are faced…


In the Heat of Florida Summers, Many Overlook Personal Injuries At Theme Parks

Florida is known for its amusement parks and theme parks, and in the summer these parks see a lot of business. Unfortunately, each year personal injury and even fatalities do occur at theme parks. Unfortunately, because of the customers that theme parks attract, many of these incidents are injuries to…


How Common Misconceptions About Personal Injury Cases Hurt Florida Residents

There are lots of mistruths out there about personal injury cases, but perhaps the biggest misconception perhaps is that victims are somehow greedy or grasping for pursuing larger settlements rather than accepting the offers that insurance companies often make outright. Unfortunately, sometimes the media or even casual observers repeat these…


Traveling Outside of Florida? How to Prevent Personal Injury

The World Health Organization reports that injuries are the leading cause of preventable deaths among travelers. Each year, some Americans who travel internationally suffer from serious and even fatal injury. Car accidents are the most common cause of injury- related fatalities among US travelers, followed by homicide and drowning. Other…

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