While some families buy ready-made costumes for Halloween, others spend considerable time creating their own costumes. However, homemade does not always mean safer. There are some advantages to homemade costumes: they often contain fewer plastics than store-bought costumes and therefore can be healthier, and they tend to be less expensive.…
Articles Posted in Personal Injury
Red Flag Signs Your Child is Being Bullied
Bullying is not just the occasional schoolyard tussle. In recent years, awareness of bullying has increased after a few students have died as a result of bullying. Bullies not only taunt their victims, but in many cases physically injure them, leading to scrapes, wounds, broken bones, head injuries, and other…
Prescription Drugs Can Mean Personal Injuries
Most people take prescription drugs or over the counter supplements to feel better or to treat a condition. However, drugs can affect your everyday tasks and can result in personal injuries. Some drugs can cause you to feel drowsy or can cause slip and fall accidents by affecting your motor…
Preventing Personal Injuries Caused By Bullying
Now that students are getting ready to return to school, parents may be worried about injuries to children and minors. Many children return home from school with scrapes and minor injuries. In some cases, these are caused by nothing more than schoolyard accidents. In some cases, however, personal injuries are…
What Will Happen to Your Income After a Personal Injury?
There are many difficulties and problems that can affect a person’s life after a personal injury caused by a car accident, trucking accident, or other injury. In addition to the emotional impact of a serious injury and the focus on recovery, far too many personal injury victims may face financial…
Prevent Personal Injury This Independence Day
Each 4th of July, while many people across the country are celebrating their country, many people are being admitted to emergency rooms with serious burn injuries and other injuries caused by Independence Day festivities. Have a wonderful holiday, but use these tips to stay safe, as well: 1) Use extra…
Preventing Florida Lighting Injuries
In Florida, lighting is the main weather-source killer, killing more people than all other weather causes of fatalities combined. There are more lighting fatalities and injuries in Florida than in any other state. While across the country the chances of being struck by lightning are about 280,000:1, in Florida those…
Avoid Personal Injury on Your Vacation
Summer is a time for vacations, and while vacations and trips usually mean lots of fun, they also pose some hazards. Many of us completely unwind during vacations, but trips are no time to forget safety. Here are some basic ways to make sure that you and your family stay…
Summer Personal Injury Kits
In the summer, many of us are more active, taking part in more outdoor activities and more sports. While this can mean that the summer is one of the times when we are at our best physically, it can also mean a few more injuries, including more cuts and scrapes…
Avoid Personal Injury When Opening Your Cottage or Vacation Home
The summer is when many people decide to open their cottage or vacation home for a relaxing summer. You want to be able to enjoy your home away from home, but if you have been away for a while, you want to make sure that your cottage or vacation home…