
Articles Posted in Personal Injury


Should You Use a Florida Personal Injury Attorney Referral Service?

Florida has many services offering personal injury attorney referrals. These services, heavily advertised in the media, promise to put injury victims in touch with attorneys who can help them. While such services can help victims find an attorney, representatives of the American Bar Association note that customers may wish to…


Florida Court of Appeals May Permit Florida Personal Injury Patients to Sue Cities

The Florida Court of Appeals is allowing a driver to sue the Florida city of Boca Raton for negligence, potentially creating a precedent for other drivers injured in a similar manner. The case, Marion v. City of Boca Raton, involves driver Elizabeth Marion, who was driving through the intersection of…


Are You Aware of a Florida Personal Injury Risk? Here’s How to Make a Difference

In many cases, Florida personal injuries, including Florida spinal cord injuries, burn injuries and other permanent injuries, are quite preventable. In many cases, obvious or noticeable hazards exist which can lead to injury. When these dangers are not removed, an injury often takes place. The good news is that there…


Cautions Issued About Fair and Amusement Rides – They Cause Florida Personal Injury Claims Each Year

Now that fall fair season is here, many Florida residents are taking advantage of the beautiful fall Florida weather to visit amusement parks and rides. While most of these rides are safe and provide a harmless amusement, each year, some people are injured on these rides. Florida injuries to minors…

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