According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, there were 400 ATV-related fatalities in Florida between 1982 and 2007. During that time, the state ranked in the top ten when it came to traffic fatalities caused by these vehicles. Worse, the trend seems to be getting worse. Between 2008 and…
Articles Posted in Personal Injury
Accidental Gun Injuries a Very Common Reason for Emergency Room Visits
When most people think of personal injury in Homestead, they think of car accidents and injuries caused by other traffic accidents. While car accidents in Homestead are in fact one of the leading causes of injury, a new study suggests that gun accidents in the state are a major cause…
Shopping Safely in Homestead
Now that the holiday season is fast approaching, many Homestead residents are heading to local shopping malls and stores with shopping lists firmly in hand. For many, this season is a joyful one, but serious injuries due to toys and due to shopping issues can mar the holiday spirit. To…
Avoiding Injury This Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time of celebration and family, but unfortunately each year holiday celebrations lead to personal injury in Homestead and other communities. If you want to avoid injury this Thanksgiving, ensure that you: 1) Take steps to prevent fires. With all the cooking going on during the Thanksgiving holidays,…
Should You Accept a Settlement Offer in Homestead or Your Community?
If you have been injured in a truck accident in Homestead or through any type of traffic accident, you may get a settlement offer from the car insurance company representing the at-fault driver. If you have underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage, you may get an offer from your own insurance…
How Accident Reconstruction Experts, Medical Expert Witnesses, and Others Can Help in a Personal Injury Case in Hollywood
When people are seriously injured in a truck accident in Hollywood or in any accident, they may have the option of working with a personal injury attorney to file a legal claim. A personal injury attorney, in turn, will often work with a team of professionals in order to build…
Which Personal Injury Fatalities are the Biggest Concern?
A recent study published in the The Annals of Emergency Medicine examined data from each county across the United States as well as over 1.2 million injury fatalities occurring between 1999 and 2006. The researchers found that car accidents, gun violence, and poisoning were the most common causes of injury…
Five Myths About Personal Injury Attorneys That Could be Depriving You of Fair Compensation
Whether you have been in a motorcycle accident in Homestead or have sustained serious injuries some other way, most legal experts recommend that you speak with a personal injury attorney in your community in order to get legal advice so that you can safeguard your rights. However, many people have…
Waiting For Results: Coping with the Process of a Personal Injury Claim in Hollywood or Your Community
If you have been in a truck accident in Hollywood or another serious accident and have made the decision to pursue a legal claim, you are probably eager to get compensation and have the legal issue handled. Unfortunately, a legal claim can take months or years to work its way…
Dealing with the Emotional and Personal Effects of a Personal Injury in Homestead or Your Community
Sustaining a serious injury in a car accident in Homestead – or through any incident – results not only in physical pain and suffering but also in a big emotional and personal toll. While it’s easy to notice the physical impact of a soft tissue injury or spinal cord injury…