Articles Posted in Pedestrian Accidents


Are Children at Risk of Miami Pedestrian Accidents in the Mornings?

The morning school run is a fact of life in many Miami households. Any family with school aged children needs to get kids to school in the mornings. Unfortunately, getting kids to school safely can be challenge, especially since busy parents are rushing around and fighting morning traffic. According to…


Miami Pedestrian Accidents – What Hikers and Exercisers Need to Know

Walking and hiking are considered among the best exercise choices out there. Walking is a low-impact exercise that increases the heart rate and can help combat obesity and heart disease. However, pedestrians in Miami face risks every day. Miami pedestrian accidents, especially those involving cars, often lead to fatalities or…


Florida Pedestrian Accidents Were Common in 2010

For the first time in five years, fatal pedestrian accidents increased in 2010, according to a report published by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA). In the first six months of 2010, fatal car accidents across the country decreased but during the same time period fatal pedestrian accidents increased by…


What is Causing Fatal Florida Pedestrian Accidents and Bicycle Accidents?

A study in early 2010 concluded that Florida has a disproportionately high rate of fatal pedestrian accidents and bicycle accidents. Since then, experts have been speculating as to why the state accounts for only 6% of the nation’s population but 11% pedestrian accident fatalities and 17.4% of bicyclist accident fatalities.…


Bicycle Accidents and Pedestrian Accidents are Most Fatal in Florida?

According to two non-profit groups from Washington, D.C., Florida is the deadliest state in the country for bicyclists and pedestrians. The most recent statistics available are from 2008 and show that 11% of pedestrians killed in pedestrian accidents and 17.4% of bicyclists killed in bicycle accidents were killed in Florida…


Some Florida Pedestrian Accidents Can Be Prevented With a Good Pre-School Chat

As students are getting ready to head back to school, it’s a great time for parents to review school safety rules, especially if your children will be walking to school each day. Many Florida pedestrian accidents take place during the walk to and from school. In some cases, students get…


Florida Drivers Have a Responsibility to Reduce Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian accidents in Florida lead to many tragedies. Because cars and pedestrians are so unevenly matched, pedestrians struck by a vehicle often face significant injuries, such as broken bones, spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, disfigurement, and other injuries. In addition, pedestrians face a high risk of fatalities when struck by…

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