
Articles Posted in Commercial Truck Accidents


Preventing Miami Truck Accidents With Design

A blogger writing for TransitMiami, has recently written about the large number of accidents along Biscayne Boulevard. These accidents often reportedly include high speeds and in recent months have resulted in damage to light poles and storefronts. According to the blogger, some of the problem stems from design and suggests…


Will Plans to Change Cargo Ship and Train Access Affect Florida Truck Accident Rates?

New plans by the government could improve the economy in Florida while also possibly helping to prevent Florida truck accidents. A new government plan will divert some cargo traffic from trucks to a Florida East Coast Railway line that runs between Hileah and the Port of Miami. The move –…


Researcher Questions Truck Accident Data

Dr. Ronald R. Knipling has questioned some of the research submitted by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) as support of its hours of changes regulation revisions. Dr. Knipling used to work at the research division of the FMCSA and noted that the published study by researchers Pennsylvania State…


How Rudeness Can Lead to Florida Trucking Accidents

Rudeness is usually seen as a social fault, and certainly not as something potentially fatal. However, on the road, rudeness can actually cause dangerous situations which lead to Florida car accidents and truck accidents. Rude behavior that can be downright dangerous includes: 1) Cutting trucks off. Cutting off a commercial…


Hazards that Lead to Florida Truck Accidents

Many Florida truck accidents are caused by hazards on the road that are not recognized in time. In the trucking industry, hazards are defined as any situations or obstacles which could impede safe driving. When those hazards create the need for sudden action, they are defined as emergencies. Therefore, a…


Florida Truck Accidents and Mexico

Over the past few years, there have been concerns and debates about the possibility of allowing Mexican commercial five axle tractor-trailer trucks on US roads. Some people have claimed that allowing these trucks on the roads of the US will result in more truck accidents and car accidents in Florida…


Insurance Companies Hire Private Investigators After Florida Truck Accidents

After a Florida car accident or truck accident, many drivers assume that they are covered by insurance and that the insurance carrier they have been paying premiums to all along will help them. Many Florida truck accident victims are surprised to find, however, that insurance companies actually often launch private…


Florida Truck Accident Investigations

After a Florida truck accident or car accident causing an injury or fatality, investigations are usually launched to find out what happened to cause the collision. Florida car accidents involving trucks may in fact be subject to several types of accidents: 1) A police investigation. An official investigation by police…


What Can Cause Florida Truck Accidents Involving Tractor Trailers?

Florida truck accidents often involve larger, commercial trucks. According to a 2007 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration report, tractor trailers and other large trucks cause accidents because of a number of common reasons: 1) Drug use. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration report, more than a quarter of…


Truck Weight Regulations and Florida Truck Accidents

One of the reasons why trucks are so dangerous and contribute to so many Florida car accidents each year is the sheer weight of the vehicles. The large size and weight of commercial trucks such as tractor trailers or semi trucks makes these vehicles unwieldy and slow to respond on…

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