
Articles Posted in Commercial Truck Accidents


Could New Laws and Studies Help Reduce Instances of Truck Accidents in Davie and Across The Country?

Rep. James McGovern (D-MA) and Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) are supporting the Safe Highways and Infrastructure Preservation Act (SHIPA) on Capitol Hill. The legislation would prevent more carriers from operating overweight trucks and would prevent increases in truck weight limits and truck sizes. The bill, which is supported by the…


Common Mistakes That Can Lead to a Truck Accident in Miami Gardens and Other Florida Cities

A few common mistakes that drivers make tend to cause a significant portion of car and truck accidents in Miami Gardens and other Florida communities. These mistakes are: 1) Cars overtaking a truck on the left where there are two lanes. This commonly occurs on merge lanes and in situations…


Bridge Collapses and Truck Accidents in Fort Lauderdale and Other Florida Communities

The collapse of the Interstate 5 bridge in Washington state has created a renewed focus on bridge and truck safety. Residents in Fort Lauderdale – a city with many canals, waterways, and bridges – may be especially interested. The Interstate 5 bridge collapse occurred after a truck passed over the…


Causes of Truck Accidents in Miramar and Other Cities

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has examined more than 140 000 truck accidents occurring on US roads between 2001 and 2003. The FMSCA has concluded that 68 000 of these accidents were caused by truck drivers, 2000 could be attributed to the weather or the environment, and 8000…


Truck Drivers May Have a Hard Time Recovering for Their Injuries after a Truck Accident in South Miami

Truck drivers who are injured on the job and sustain injuries in a truck accident in South Miami and other Florida cities sometimes have a hard time recovering fair compensation for their injuries. Commercial truck drivers are protected by Florida law and usually have benefits and protections through their jobs,…


Types of Injuries Commercial Drivers Can Sustain in Truck Crashes in North Miami

In most truck accidents in North Miami and Florida, passengers of the smaller cars involved in the collision are the ones most likely to suffer severe injuries. Each year, car passengers sustain serious tissue injuries, spinal cord injuries, burns, and head injuries in North Miami and across Florida due to…


New Study Could Suggest That Caffeine May Prevent Some Truck Accidents in Miami Springs and Other Communities

An Australian study published recently in the British Medical Journal found that truck drivers who consumed caffeine were less likely than other motorists to be involved in crashes, even when lack of sleep and other factors were accounted for. The study looked at 530 long distance commercial truck drivers who…


Should Motorists be Subject to the Same Laws as Truck Drivers to Prevent Truck Accidents in Miami Lakes?

Many experts believe that one of the reasons why car and truck accidents in Miami Lakes and other Florida communities are so prevalent is because car drivers are not subject to the same strict rules as commercial truck drivers. Car drivers are in fact allowed to text and drive in…


The Laws that Protect You and the Laws that Can Prevent Truck Accidents in Miami Gardens

There are many federal and state laws that are designed to protect you after a truck accident in Miami Gardens or anywhere in Florida. There are also a number of laws are designed to help prevent traffic accidents caused by commercial trucks. These laws include: 1) Laws regarding safe loading…


Who is Responsible for Truck Accidents in Miami Beach?

Over the past three and a half decades, truck accident fatalities across the country have declined dramatically, but experts say that much still needs to be done to make the roads even safer. According to personal injury attorneys in Miami Beach, one way to reduce the number of truck accidents…

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