
Articles Posted in Causes of Truck Accidents


Will Plans to Change Cargo Ship and Train Access Affect Florida Truck Accident Rates?

New plans by the government could improve the economy in Florida while also possibly helping to prevent Florida truck accidents. A new government plan will divert some cargo traffic from trucks to a Florida East Coast Railway line that runs between Hileah and the Port of Miami. The move –…


Researcher Questions Truck Accident Data

Dr. Ronald R. Knipling has questioned some of the research submitted by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) as support of its hours of changes regulation revisions. Dr. Knipling used to work at the research division of the FMCSA and noted that the published study by researchers Pennsylvania State…


Help Your Teen Avoid a Florida Truck Accident

Teen drivers across the state have higher rates of Florida car accidents, and experts believe that this is the case because younger drivers simply have less experience when it comes to dealing with common road hazards and situations. For example, many teen drivers have little experience sharing the road with…


Distracted Truck Driving Leads to Accidents in Florida

In the last few years, there has been more awareness about the dangers of distracted driving. In fact, new regulations have been passed over the past three years which make it illegal for commercial truck drivers and government employees on the job to text and drive. As well, victims who…


How to Spot a Truck Driver Who May Cause a Drunk Driving Accident

The only way to tell for sure whether a truck driver is driving under the influence is to let a police office administer a sobriety test or a blood alcohol test. However, according to the Florida chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), there are a number of signs that…


Renting a Moving Truck? Here’s What You Need to Know About Florida Truck Accidents

Many rental agencies rent out large trucks for do-it-yourself moves. If you are trying to save money, this can seem like a great alternative to the costs of hiring professional movers. However, this sort of move can also lead to a Florida truck accident. To stay safe, follow these tips:…


Driver Fatigue and Florida Truck Accidents

In June 2009, a Miami truck driver who was fatigued caused a severe truck accidents that resulted in a multiple-vehicle pileup, ten deaths, and six injuries. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined that the accident was caused by fatigued driving, with the driver suffering from mild sleep apnea as…


How Rudeness Can Lead to Florida Trucking Accidents

Rudeness is usually seen as a social fault, and certainly not as something potentially fatal. However, on the road, rudeness can actually cause dangerous situations which lead to Florida car accidents and truck accidents. Rude behavior that can be downright dangerous includes: 1) Cutting trucks off. Cutting off a commercial…


Hazards that Lead to Florida Truck Accidents

Many Florida truck accidents are caused by hazards on the road that are not recognized in time. In the trucking industry, hazards are defined as any situations or obstacles which could impede safe driving. When those hazards create the need for sudden action, they are defined as emergencies. Therefore, a…


Insurance Companies Hire Private Investigators After Florida Truck Accidents

After a Florida car accident or truck accident, many drivers assume that they are covered by insurance and that the insurance carrier they have been paying premiums to all along will help them. Many Florida truck accident victims are surprised to find, however, that insurance companies actually often launch private…

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