If you have been in a Florida truck accident and do not appear to be seriously injured, you may think yourself lucky to walk away from an accident. It’s true — given the size difference between passenger vehicles and trucks, surviving any Florida car accident involving a truck is often…
Articles Posted in Brain Injury
Seat Belt Use Helps Prevent Fatal Florida Truck Accidents
According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA), commercial truck drivers are using safety belts more than ever before – an important precaution that can help prevent Florida workers compensation suits as well as fatal Florida truck accidents. According to the FMCSA 2009 Safety Belt Usage by Commercial Motor…
Even in Florida, Winter is a Time for Brain Injuries
In states with significant snowfall and other winter weather, brain injuries are a serious concern. Winter sports such as skating and skiing pose a significant risk of injury, while winter conditions often contribute to car accidents and slip and fall accidents which can lead to serious head injuries. However, while…
Could Our Love Affair With Trucks Be Causing More Florida Truck Accidents?
According to a research study published in Accident Analysis & Prevention journal, our love affair with light trucks may be causing more Florida car accidents and pedestrian accidents – and more traffic accidents nationwide. The research was completed by researchers at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Rowan University. Researchers…
Florida Head Injuries and Trucking Accidents
Many Florida car accidents and truck accidents result in brain injuries. This is because the force of a collision can push a passenger’s head against a solid object (such as a dashboard) or can cause the head to shake so violently that this causes a brain injury. Due to the…
Misdiagnosis Plagues Brain Injury Patients
A new study may have serious repercussions for families who have loved ones with serious brain injuries. Researchers at the University of Liege in Belgium have conducted a study which shows that 41% of people who where diagnosed as being in a vegetative state were in fact in a minimally…
Prevent Childhood Brain Injuries by Making Helmets Cool
Brain injuries claim thousands of children’s lives each year and most are preventable. Many such injuries to children and minors occur when they fall from a bicycle or skateboard, and in most cases these injuries are completely preventable. A helmet can help prevent the vast majority of head injuries related…
How to Help Someone Who Has Sustained a Head Injury
Brain injuries can result from simple summer sports, from car accidents, pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents, and even simple slip and fall accidents. In many cases, a bump on the head results in no serious injury, but in some cases, a bump on the head causes the brain to crash against…
Traumatic Brain Injury: Knowing When To Get Help Can Save Lives
A brain injury can occur as a result of a boating accident, slip and fall accident, bicycle accident, nursing home abuse, and other injuries. There are two kinds of brain injuries: impact injuries and contrecoup concussions. Impact injuries occur when the head hits something solid. Contrecoup concussions occur when the…
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Can Mean Serious Problems
About 6 million Americans each year are affected by mild traumatic brain injuries. These injuries occur as a result of sports injuries, pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents, falls, and other incidents. Usually, these injuries require less than 48 hours of hospitalization or even no hospitalization at all. However, do not let…