
Back to School Safety Tips to Avoid Child Injuries in Hollywood and Other Florida Cities

Now that summer is drawing to a close and everyone in thinking about back to school, it is time to think about safety. The fall season can increase the risk of child injuries in Hollywood and other communities, since a break in routine and new activities can mean new risks. If you have children, there are several precautions you will want to take to prevent serious injury:

1) Consider your child’s route to and from school. Car accidents and pedestrian accidents in Hollywood and other communities are a leading cause of child injury and fatalities. Pedestrian and traffic accidents are especially a risk during the morning rush hour. Whether your child walks to school, gets dropped off, or bicycles, it is time to consider the safest route to school.

2) Review sports and after-school activities
. If your child plays contact sports, your child may be at risk of head injuries. Ensure your child has a proper helmet and other safety equipment. Make sure that coaches know to remove your child after every potential head injury and to avoid having your child resume play until the head injury has been checked by a doctor. For too many head injury patients in Hollywood and other communities, sports and other activities are resumed too quickly and this can result in severe and even permanent injury. Even if your child does not play contact sports, review your child’ activities and make sure that proper safety procedures are in place.

3) Ensure your child has a mobile device and a way to reach you. Make sure that every caregiver has your most recent contact information. At the same time, teach your child to avoid using their mobile device when walking to school and bicycling. Pedestrian accidents and bicycle accidents in Hollywood and Florida often happen when walkers and cyclists are distracted.

4) Make sure your child’s school has safety programs and plans in place. Ask about written safety policies and review them. Encourage your child’s school to host safety programs and activities. Many local fire stations and police stations have special school programs that promote safety and teach children basic skills about preventing injury and crime.

5) Check the backgrounds of your child’s caregivers. The autumn can mean new babysitters and other caregivers. When hiring someone to look after your child, be sure to check past references and look for clues about capabilities. Where possible, hire someone who has basic first aid training.

While you cannot prevent every child injury, many childhood injuries are preventable. A little precaution and planning at this time of year can help prevent serious injuries during the school term.

If your child has been injured, the Florida personal injury lawyers at the Flaxman Law Group are here for you. Your first concern in your child; let the Flaxman Law Group take care of all the legal details involved in protecting your family’s rights. Contact the Flaxman Law Group today for a free accident consultation with one of the personal injury attorneys at the firm. Your no obligation, no cost case review is your chance to get answers and to ask questions.

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